Thanks for an amazing 2021 Colorado Health Innovation Summit!
September 15th & 16th | virtual & in person
The 8th annual Colorado Health Innovation Summit was everything we hoped it would be! We were excited to reconnect (vaxxed, socially distanced, and as safely as possible) in person after a tough year for all. As we reunited at the Summit, we shared and compared ideas and lessons learned, as well as explore dwhat’s next for our industry.
Hosted annually in partnership by Prime Health and the Governor’s Office of eHealth Innovation (OeHI), the Innovation Summit connects innovators and healthcare leaders from a variety of backgrounds including federal and state leadership, urban and rural health systems, investors, funders entrepreneurs, technologists, and more. This year’s theme was operationalizing health equity through innovation and collaboration.
This year’s summit was a two-day event Wednesday, September 15th & Thursday, September 16th, with virtual and in-person programming. Innovators from around Colorado and across the nation joined us both days on the virtual platform hopin and in-person Thursday at the Church Ranch Event Center in Westminster, CO. Friends and colleagues recharged in a beautiful indoor/outdoor setting and discussed the inspiring work happening in the healthcare community.

Dr. Aletha Maybank
Chief Health Equity Officer & SVP, American Medical Association
Ako Quammie
Health Information Exchange Enterprise Architect, CORHIO
Camille Harding
Strategy & Innovation Officer, Colorado Department of Human Services
Carrie Paykoç
Director, Governor’s Office of eHealth Innovation
Lt. Gov. Dianne Primavera
Lieutenant Governor, State of Colorado
Doyle Forrestal
Chief Executive Officer, Colorado Behavioral Health Council
Gina Millan
Community Organizer, COLOR
Jason Greer
Dr. Jeff Helton
Clinical Faculty in Health Care Finance, University of Colorado Denver Business School
Josh Winkler
Colorado Disability Funding Committee Coordinator and Policy Advisor, Office of the Lt. Governor
KP Yelpaala
CEO and Co-Founder, InOn Health
Colorado eHealth Commissioner
Katherine Carol
Imagine Enterprises
Kevin Stansbury
Chief Executive Officer, Lincoln Health
eHealth Commissioner
Kim Bimestefer
Executive Director, Colorado Dept. of Health Care Policy & Financing
Rep. Leslie Herod
State Representative, Colorado General Assembly
Marc Lassaux
Chief Technical Officer, Quality Health Network
Michael Archuleta
Chief Information Officer, Mt. San Rafael Hospital
eHealth Commissioner
Michelle Barnes
Executive Director, Colorado Department of Human Services
Mona Baset
Vice President, Digital Services, SCL Health
eHealth Commissioner
Morgan Honea
Executive Vice President, Contexture
Rachel Dixon
President & Executive Director, Prime Health
Chair, Together.Health
eHealth Commissioner
Robert West
PEAK Manager, Colorado Dept. of Health Care Policy & Financing
Sarah Eaton
Deputy Client Officerr, Colorado Dept. of Health Care Policy & Financing
Shea Tanis
Assistant Professor, University of Colorado
Sofi Bergkvist
President, Center for Care Innovations
Summer Gathercole
Sr. Advisor for Behavioral Health Transformation, Colorado Deptartment of Human Services
Tara Smith
Colorado Division of Insurance
Dr. Wes Williams
Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Mental Health Center of Denver
eHealth Commissioner
2021 Sponsors