I can make a difference in healthcare

A collaborative, community-driven process to vet, validate, and vote on the best companies, technologies, solutions and models for advancing safety net healthcare priorities in Colorado and California through innovation and collaboration.


Together, we have…

Vetted and validated more than 500 health innovation solutions

Built more than 45 health innovation pilots and partnerships

Awarded more than $1.3 million in prize funding since 2014


  • Review and judge a cohort of 4-7 companies matched with you based on your area of interest or expertise

    • Each judging window is open for 3+ weeks. Each company takes an average of 30 minutes to review. There are two rounds of judging. Applications are reviewed in the Challenge Competition platform/portal.

  • Participate in a Judging Consensus Meeting at the end of each round

    • As each Judge has only reviewed a segment of the total number of companies, this event brings our Judges together to review and discuss the total pool and make final decisions collaboratively on who will advance to the next round.

  • Participate in the Challenge Speed Networking event

    • This event provides an opportunity for Judges to meet Challenge companies, learn more about their solutions, ask questions, and provide feedback.

  • Attend the Virtual Live Pitch Event in October 2024

    • Join us to see the top 6 finalists you helped select pitch for the chance to win a portion of $150,000 and a pilot partnership in Colorado

Participating as a judge does not mean you are required to host a pilot. No commitments related to pilot hosting occur until the final round and are at your discretion.


  • Directly influence and support the advancement of digital health innovation

  • Unparalleled opportunity for peer learning, community discussion, and collaboration with likeminded leaders

  • In-depth review and assessment of digital health solutions in a format that leverages the expertise of individual judges to provide a robust and comprehensive view of the health innovation landscape, priorities, and barriers - while still being time and labor efficient

  • Identify some of the leading solutions in digital health geared to be most impactful to safety net populations and priorities

  • Make new friends and learn new things!

Are you in? Click here to see the 2024 Judge Application!


First Round: April 17 - June 26

Challenge Kick off Event: May 8

First Round Judging Window: June 5 - June 21

First Round Judging Consensus Meeting: Tuesday, June 25, 5-7 pm

Semifinalists Announced: June 26

Semifinal Round: June 26 - September 24

Speed Networking (Judges + Semifinalists): July & August

Semifinal Round Judging Window: September 9 - September 23

Semifinal Round Judging Consensus Meeting: September 24

Finalists Announced: September 25

Final Event Live Pitch Competition: November 12

Learn more here